Now that my eleven hours have been completed, one must truly discern/contemplate what one took from being immersed at a Center that is living and breathing the motto: think local, act global. As an American, we, yes I am stating the whole country of America, consume way too much! Whether it be food, clothing or even water, the statistics I presume are incredibly high.
These are a few tips I have carried with me from the Urban Ecology Center:
1.) After washing hands, don't use a paper towel, allow your hands to be free, by shaking them and trying to get the water off that way. You will be saving a TON of trees! And besides, your hands get a bit of a work out.
2.) COFFEE SHOPS: There is this eco-green feel at every coffee shop, YET, a ton of people get coffee cups to go and still sit there. Lets buy a nice, to go cup that can be reused 24/7 and thus, we would stop clogging up land fills with our so-called Eco friendly cups.
3.) Receipts after shopping... has it ever occurred to anyone how much paper we waste with receipts after shopping. Even when you say, No i do not want my receipt they still have to print it off... Could Google or some tech savvy person please design a system that can get us out of this paper wasting mess?? It would be greatly appreciated to Mother Earth and to our future men and women that will be walking this Earth in the years to come.
4.) Take some time to get outside and be with nature, to be away from technology and busy-ness of life.
5.) When one gives of themselves that is when they are truly happy :)= volunteering
~Posted and Written by: Callie Beth Angsten~
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