Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Car Pollution is BAD!!

Pollution is very dangerous to the environment and human health!! Car pollution can cause respiratory problems and even lung cancer. Car pollution affects the ground-level ozone and the ozone layer, which is designed to help protect plants and other organisms for harmful ultraviolet radiation rays.  Ground-level ozone causes hazy smoke from buildings or factors that can create respiratory problems. Vehicles cause a lot of the ozone pollution, because they release chemicals such as nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons. Ground-level ozone is being more popular in developed counties like the Untied States and Europe.

Car pollution is affecting our global warming, because cars release carbon dioxide which it dangerous to our health and the environment. The reason why so many people are becoming concerned with global warming is, because it is raising sea levels and dying coral reefs. This starts to become a problem, because coral reefs are where fish live and other living organisms under the sea.

The picture above is an example of a damaged coral reef bed due to global warming.

Global warming also affects weather conditions, because it can cause droughts or extreme severe storms. This causes a huge problem when it comes to habitats. Places like the rain forest or a jungle can’t survive if there are droughts all the time, because they need huge amounts of water to support living organisms.

Instead of driving around all the time, we should take more advantage of bus system for transportation, it is cheap and saves the environment!! When your going to work, try to find co-workers who work the same hours as you do and try and catch a ride with them instead of all driving separately, it will cut costs on gas expenses. Walk or ride a bike to your destination instead of driving a car!! This is a great source of exercise and will save you money so you don’t have to spend all your money on putting gas in your car!!! You could be spending that money on other things!!

So before you hop into your car, take a second and think about the environment and your health :)

Posted by Cheyanne Clure

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