Friday, October 8, 2010

Top 4 Reasons One Must Plant Only Native Plants of Your State.. In Our Case: WISCONSIN!

This was a website that Joel, our main volunteer service project director emailed me a link. Check out this website, it goes through the reasons of why native plannting is a MUST in every way..

Reasons to Plant only Native plants:

1.) The use of native landscapes is on the rise and is becoming a popular trend.

First and foremost native plants are beautiful. enough said. The color and beauty of native plants is beyond describable.

2.) Praticality. Native Plants are very pratical and are functional and can cover any landscape area because they have been evolving in Wisconsin over a long period of time.

3.) Using native plants connects us to our state's natural heritage. We are not using plants that are foreign to our state, instead we are connecting to our native roots.  We are using Wisconsin native plants which is unique only to Wisconsin, we are not a carbon copying other states, we are following the natural plant language that is being spoken only in Wisconsin! :)

4.) We are giving back to the natural land without destroying/desturbing our natural habitat. We are giving back to the land, freely and in a creative and healthy manner.  this follows a very basic equation: following and using only plants that are native to Wisconsin.  This is a sustainable form of landscaping, not only for the soil and vegetation but also for the countless other types of life, which include insects, birds and other animls that feed on native Wisconsin plant life etc.

Posted and Written by: Callie Beth Angsten

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