Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Compost Piling

One technique I noticed being used at Washington Park was compost piles.  I've seen this before in my hometown, but have never really understood exactly how they worked.  The purpose of compost piles is to create home made mulch that helps moisturize and put nutrients into the soil it's placed on.  It protects the roots and plants, and enhances the soil.

The Urban Ecology Center does many good things to help the environment, but I feel most importantly they help to promote what they do, and how everyone can do their own part to help make our work a healthier place.


It can be easy and fun!
They help to complete any garden, anywhere!

Benefits:  conditions the soil, feeds soil microorganisms, helps plants stay healthy, adds nutrients, helps soil to properly drain

1. Find an out of sight location to built your new compost pile.
2.Use wire mesh or simple boards to create a corall for the compost
3.Add the two basic elements of a compost pile; green debris ( grass clippings ), and brown debris (dried leaves).  Do this one part green, two parts brown.  Continue adding these amounts until the pile is at least three cubit feet.
4. Add a shovel full of compost soil
5.Add enough moisture to help break down the compost,but not too much so that it is watery
6.Once a week, turn the pile from bottom to top to help it to mix easier, and keeping the pile from compacting.
7.After about two months, your compost pile will be finished!  You will know it's done if you cannot identify the original debris thrown in there, and if it does not heat up anymore.

Place the newly made compost into your garden, and watch them grow!

Reuse what you have, and it's easy to better the earth!

-Melissa Luke

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